Is It Positively So?
This morning my friend, Maria, posted the picture and quote
below on Facebook just about the time I was thinking about writing today’s
blog. I actually had been wondering a bit sadly about all the negativity in our
world these days: negative news stories, drivers full of road rage, hate
crimes, accounts of abuse and bullying. Sometimes I don’t even want to read the
newspaper although I do! The television media is not much better, often biased
to the right or left with not a great deal of credence paid to accuracy. Politicians
can’t talk with one another; consensus has gone down the toilet, and many of us
are left wondering, “How did these people
get elected?” Perhaps I’m over-exaggerating. Maybe the world is spinning as
it always has. Maybe nothing really has changed. After all, for generations,
folks have been spouting, “What’s this
world coming to?” and we’re still here!
Life is a balance, I suppose, and I like to believe that for
all that appears negative, positive exists as well. I am reminded of Alicia
whose life is dedicated to helping others through her sports; of Judy who
greets her friends each day on Facebook with a happy, Good Morning; of Susan who volunteers to teach children about the
beauty and intricacies of our world; of Kaaren who lets everyone know he or she
is special; of Davina who always “checks in”; of Rick who gives free health
care to those who cannot afford it; of Corinna who finds joy in nurturing
friendships; of Karyl who teaches her children tolerance and appreciation for
life; and of Tara who gives and gives and gives. These are only a few of the
good people I know who do positive deeds to make the world a better place. How
one faces each day, I guess, is what makes all the difference.
Positive < Negative
Thank you, Maria.
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