Monday, August 4, 2014

Venting A Bit About The Big “C”

I wish I knew some tangible way to kick cancer’s butt. I’ve had too many random reports lately that the big “C” is out there playing havoc with people’s lives, with the lives of folks I know, like, and admire. Cancer’s unpredictable madness sent my world out of orbit for much too long, and though I am managing, my life is not completely back on a normal axis yet. It will take time. I’m not alone. Too many of my friends have lost their children, their mates, and their family members. For parents, especially, the pain of loss cuts so deeply we are left breathless. In my view, cancer, simply put, isn’t fair, but cancer doesn’t care. If I were a magician – poof! This devastating disease would be gone forever. Someone posted on Facebook today that it is World Cancer Day. Whether it is or not really doesn’t matter, for every day those who are struggling with this indiscriminate illness deserve our love, kindness, and compassion. They deserve for us to retain our hope, to slather them with affection and consideration, to give to causes that support cancer research, and most importantly not to ignore or forget.

That’s all.

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