Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Facebook Phantom

Somewhere in a dark hideaway on Facebook is a person who lurks in the shadows with one intention – to spy on us. Yes, that’s correct! Us. (You and me) It’s all right though; she’s simply curious. She doesn’t have any evil intentions. It isn’t as though she’s snooping for a purpose. No. One would never find her nosing around to “get the goods” on anyone. On the contrary, she’s filled with love, joy, and absolute happiness as she delights in each photo we post, and there are many: our kids, our grandchildren, our BFFs, our dogs, the cat, the spider in the web outside, our Christmas trees, our selfies, the weather, flowers, our choice in beverages, and plate after plate of food, food, food.

She has no choice but to read myriad random sweet or saucy sentiments that so many of us savor, posting and reposting, again and again. Because it’s true – we all wish “only one glass of wine” would hold a bottle, that pit bulls were adored by us all, that love does indeed make the world go round, and that we could find a cure for cancer. We rant about our favorite teams, boastfully or discreetly post our political biases, and sometimes step on each other’s toes. And the phantom sees it all.

Recently I spoke with the Facebook Phantom. We talked about the roles people play there. Some folks post day after day. Some stay away, appearing only on occasion. Some take a hiatus on purpose to prove, I suppose, that addiction has not taken hold. And some just watch. She does, and she enjoys every minute.

 Who is she? I know.

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