Something On Patience . . .
I was thinking about patience in the middle of the night. It
was another one of those nights when I didn’t sleep well and rather than
relaxing, I began to think . . . not that thinking can’t be relaxing too. Such
a concept is a bit of a paradox, I suppose, but it happens. Exchanging thoughts
and ideas with my friends, for example, often can be very relaxing, although
that is most likely because it is a bonding experience and feels comfortable.
My mother use to quote the old adage, Patience is a virtue. I wonder. I suppose in some instances it is:
when waiting for an unborn child to arrive, when hoping for a sick person to feel
better, when waiting for the first tomato of the summer season to ripen, or when
waiting for the rain to end and give way to sunshine. Yet sometimes we simply
don’t have a choice but to put our patience to the test for it can be painfully
elusive or conversely can fester inside like a boil. I am reminded of times
such as these: being locked in the middle of stop-and-go traffic at the Novato
narrows, being left waiting at a doctor’s office for over an hour, receiving
poor service at a restaurant, and most recently, observing the ridiculous
bickering, defamation, and complete ineptitude of elected officials who are
supposed to be the leaders of our country. In the latter instance, I am quite
sure I am not alone in expressing my lack of patience. I don’t understand why
these people cannot negotiate, exchange ideas, and come to some compromise. My
friends and I don’t always agree, but we are respectful of each other; we don’t
shred each other’s character; we listen.
I was always taught that communication did not occur unless
the speaking entity was heard and, in turn, that the listener made that clear
to the initiating party. Is that so difficult? It seems Congress is so locked
up in self-righteous egotism that the only voices they hear are the ones
spinning around in their heads and that is putting our beloved country in a
precarious state. So, recently, as I have been thinking about this, I am
confronted with the challenge of exercising patience. Just saying . . .

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