Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It’s About Time

Time is evasive. It will not let me get ahold of it! Sometimes it teases me by creeping by at the pace of a sloth. Other times it zips by at warp speed. I can’t get a handle on it! Maybe it’s an issue of time management. Have you ever had your day planned out just right? You know exactly how the hours will be spent, only to find that a friend calls, and it’s more important to talk to her than to do some mundane task that can wait? How many times have you spent time doing something you detest such as waiting for too long in a doctor’s office, in a long queue at Costco, or trapped in traffic at the Novato narrows? I hate wasting precious time. It can turn me inside out! Yet, how wonderful it is to take time to do the things I love, like writing for a time, even if it’s only about time.

As the end of 2013 approaches, perhaps it’s time to take a moment to think about what life has offered up for us. Have we used our time well or have we squandered it with nothing to show for its passing? Have we given or have we taken? Have we spent too many minutes looking inward rather than outward? It’s a matter of balance, I suppose. Quite likely we need to do both in order to sort through what has happened in the last twelve months before we venture forward into 2014.

I’m not really sure why time is on my mind this morning, but it is. Time flies. Time’s a thief. Don’t waste time. Time to get busy. Time is fleeting. There’s never enough time. Time goes by too fast. Take time. We’ve heard it all, and somehow, just thinking about it, makes me want to stop for a second simply to reflect. The past year has given me new friends, new experiences, new challenges; it has broken my heart, bolstered my spirit, made me cry, and let me laugh. No matter how daunting, how difficult, how poignant, how heartening, I am grateful for it, for every second.

Until next time . . .

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