Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Writing The Words In The Direction They’re Going

         Writing takes time. It requires concentration, at least for me, and it is rewarding. I am in my happy place when I am writing, especially when words are flowing. Sometimes they don’t, however, and writing becomes a struggle, albeit a confounding, pleasant struggle. For me, putting that first word on the page usually is all I need to break through.
            Not everything I write pleases me, of course. The habit of writing everyday is important though, and I like to believe in the old axiom, “Practice make perfect”. I have written three novels and a memoir in the past six years. I guess that’s an accomplishment. None have hit the bestseller list, but I am proud to say, “I did it.”
            Recently I have been working hard on my newest novel and am about halfway finished. Because I have been putting effort toward that project, I have neglected my blog. In all honesty, that’s not the only reason I have neglected blogging though. I’ve been afraid my blog would become a venting site, that I would offend folks, and that my blog’s intent would be diminished. In the last couple of months, when I have told myself, “Write a blog today,” I have, instead, gone straight to the novel.
            The fact is that the real reason I have ignored my blog, of late, is because I have been upset by what has happened in our country recently and am anxious about our future. I have feared spouting my outrage. It’s one thing that the candidate I supported did not win enough Electoral College votes, but moreover, I have become skeptical of the goodness that I once thought was basic to humanity, at least in the United States. (I am not naïve. I know, miserably horrible individuals exist throughout the world, but aren’t most decent?)
Here, in my state of California, I always have felt that caring, progressive-thinking, NICE people surround me. Instead, in the aftermath of the presidential election I have observed more lying, more misogyny, more xenophobia, more fear-mongering, religious prejudice and intense intolerance for the LBGTQ community or others who do not fit into the perfect mold that some folks obviously hold dear to their hearts. It disgust me, really, and it saddens me to know that people I have loved and respected, people who I believed held high ideas, were compassionate, and were open-minded, are anything but!
I have been feeling distraught because of the “lashing out” that has become commonplace on social media, in texts, in simple conversations. I realize that not everyone has to agree. Of course not! What has happened to simple respect, however? What has happened to “think before speaking (or writing)” in certain circles? Someone, and I won’t name names, has made ugly behavior all right. More than a few individuals feel they have free reign now to abuse others openly, and that is, bluntly put, mean. What I have heard, read, and observed in the last month has made me sad, a bit depressed, and pessimistic about the future. The good thing is that my house is really clean! When I am stressed out, I clean shit up! I clean up shit and write - one word at a time.
So, here I am, at the end. I’ve written a blog. This one is loaded with the pronoun, “I” and for that I apologize. When I began writing this piece, I was not sure where it was going, but I guess it went in the direction I was avoiding – venting a few thoughts that have been wearing me down. And while I’d like to say I’m over the hump, that’s not true. I’m afraid, that the stage has been set, the reality show is in full swing, and the obnoxiousness will continue. I suppose the only thing I can do is be the person I’d like to see in others. I’ll start there.
So, this is the word . . . until next time.

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