Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Conversation Between A Mother And Daughter (See Blog 10/16)

            And oh, how the feelings change.

“Where will you be staying, Jenny?” Martha asked at dinner later. “You simply can’t waltz into San Francisco with no where to stay. And you’ll need a job, and what about school? Are you satisfied with only a high school education?”
“Courtney and I have figured things out,” Jenny replied. “Her aunt has a house near the ocean, with extra rooms downstairs. She said we could stay there, rent free until we find jobs.”
“How generous,” Martha said, wondering. Is anything in this life free? Already she was worried. Her eyes darted and she bit her bottom lip. It was a give-away.
“Have you met this woman?” she asked. “Is she married?”
“Divorced. Look, don’t go worrying, Mom,” Jenny said. “No, I haven’t met her, but Courtney says she’s cool. She works for some rich ass attorney. Drives a Mercedes.”
Drives a Mercedes. Well, that’s important. Martha bit her tongue and simply nodded. Her throat had tightened. Jenny Miller was a central California valley girl, naïve and young. She had not one iota of experience with city life, nor did Courtney, for all Martha knew. This doesn’t feel right. She said nothing.
“Look, Mom. I need to do this,” Jenny said. “We’ll be fine. Courtney and I are best friends.”
“And what are Courtney’s parents saying about this?”
“I don’t know how they feel, but Courtney will do whatever she wants. She’s never taken no for an answer from her parents about anything.”
“That’s not too reassuring,” Martha replied.
“It’s their fault,” Jenny said. “They’re rich. They give her everything. Besides, they’re gone half the time. They don’t give a shit.” Jenny tilted her head and grinned. “Maybe that’s why we’re friends. You care too much sometimes and her parents don’t at all. We fill up each other’s holes.” 
“That’s an interesting concept,” Martha said, wondering where Zach fit into Jenny’s thinking. She was one parent down. Had Martha overcompensated for his absence?

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