Friday, July 3, 2015

Independence Day Is Upon Us

Maybe it’s the full moon. Maybe it’s the hot weather in the West. Maybe it’s the tornadoes in the Midwest or the downpours down South. I’m not sure what’s going on this week, but the world seems a bit confused. Folks seem short-tempered, Facebook is filled with posts that are off-putting, and I’m left wondering when it will end.
I went to my hair stylist, Deb, yesterday. Poor hairdressers! They must hear it all. I told Deb I was feeling a bit off balance, not depressed, not sad, but caught in a place where, as my beloved mother would have encouraged, needing to count my blessings. Deb got it! While I had the awesome “makeover” we laughed and laughed. Why? It’s because the world seems flippin’ crazy these days. Everything was funny, or at least we made it so and I’m afraid we weren’t too politically correct about a few issues. And, no, I will not be specific.
The poor stylist next to us was working with a client who had not ONE positive thing to say. On and on she went, complaining about EVERYTHING, especially her stepdaughter. It was rather annoying because I feel I now know an absolute stranger’s personal, sordid history. I suppose I could have escaped somewhere but wasn’t about to walk out of the salon with my hair adorned with so much aluminum foil I looked like a satellite. Besides, with Instagram all the rage, I probably would have found myself featured in a news post alongside Donald Trump.
So, here’s to the weekend. I welcome it. It’s the Fourth of July tomorrow and hordes will be celebrating our nation’s independence. Perhaps it would be a good day to put down our darts, sip a cold one, and relax. Think about the good things in life. Our perspectives surely may differ on “what’s good” but consider it anyway. It’s time to wallow in our personal independence and freedoms however we perceive them. It just might soothe the soul. 

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