Saturday, February 7, 2015

People Power

            Let me be honest. I am somewhat of . . . no, I am, an introvert. Though I was a teacher for years and taught hundreds of students, though I have spoken many times in front of large audiences, and though I know how to interact well in a large group, I am most comfortable at home, often alone. I do my best thinking then. I enjoy the quiet. I simply don’t need a host of people around me to be content. Rather than being in the midst of a group, oftentimes, I stand aside. I’d rather watch and listen.

            People wield a great deal of power, I believe. We’ve all known the person who can change the mood of a room when he or she walks into it. One individual can bring everyone down, down, down or have everyone laughing until they hurt. Certainly we’ve all been at the mercy of the judgmental ones, the angry ones, or the folks whose lives are one, big, pity party. We often admire the workers, the creators, the givers; we are in awe of the responsible, dependable, conscientious, “get ‘er done” folks who make the world work! Some of us are those people.

            Although we are diverse, however, on some level or perhaps many levels, we need each other. Sure, we are all different and for myriad reasons: environment, background, economic status, and more. It’s not uncommon to glom on to those with whom we feel most comfortable, who have similar goals and beliefs. At times, however, people simply must join together to support a common good or a shared commitment. And therein lies the notion of “people power”. In order for us to make a positive difference, sometimes we simply need others. For someone like myself, it may mean stepping out of a comfort zone, it may feel odd, but in the end I am apt to learn something about others or about life, and that’s important. It is definitely not unheard of for one person to accomplish a great deal alone, but I have come to understand in recent years that when like-thinkers come together, with good intention, they can make positive change or perhaps even work miracles.

            Just a note: I am working with a group of folks right now on a project that “we” (more than one) hope will contribute to a better world. I am aware of how powerful a group of like-thinkers, as we are, can be. Thus, this blog . . .

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